viernes, 24 de enero de 2014


Una vez acabado el modelado y el entorno con las masas, parece que todo va cogiendo forma que se traduce en los primeros renders hechos con Revit. 
Para la topografía escogí como material un metal para evitar caer en el falso realismo. El problema es que al ser un metal han quedado unos falsos reflejos en el suelo que no se verían con otro material.
El segundo problema con los materiales fue el toque glossy que tiene el material de hormigón pese a haber estado trabajando el material del hormigón visto y tocando los diferentes parámetros sigue dando una sensación de reflejo excesivo.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014


After creating the Familie, the windows must be located in the correct place and play with the visibilities for the composition of the openning. The diferent typologies of windows requiered for the Project were created taking as a reference the M_fixed  window familie.
The problema right now is that the visibility option is not working and I cannot do the diferent compositions.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014


The openings follow the same system in all the Project. Taking as a reference the shape of the openings of the existing building, there is a constant rectangular frame in all the façades that, in each case, includes the different windows composition that is talking about what is happening in the inside of the building.
The first idea was to compose each kind of opening as a group containing the different families (window, opening and wall). The problem with these solution was that there were different conflicts created inside the program, that's why we thought of creating a family that can be used for all the different  typologies playing with the visibilities.